Plagiarism checker

These are the tools used to detect instances of plagiarism within a document. The detection of plagiarism can be done manually or in form of software-assisted although the manual detection is a bit tricky and tiresome as well. This is because it requires excellent memory and it is more impractical especially where a lot of documents are to be compared or the original documents are not available for comparison to be done.

The use of computers and the internet has now made it easy to plagiarize work from different sources. It allows a vast collection of documents and enables comparisons for successful detection of plagiarism. In most cases, plagiarism is found in academia for documents such as essays and reports. Moreover, it is also found virtually in any field like novels, art designs and source codes.

However, is it worth checking for plagiarism for your documents? If you are asking yourself this question or any other related question to plagiarism, read on and make an informed decision. The available online plagiarism tools are actually extremely useful and the only challenge would be the cost involved. Don’t forget the time required to have a thorough check especially if you have too many documents to work on. To consider this and much more, check out the list of items below to see when it is important or necessary to check a document for plagiarism:

1. Plagiarism compared to similarities

Kindly note that plagiarism checkers will find possibilities in almost every document. Investigating the sections of a manuscript with similarities can take a considerable amount of work to investigate for you to come up with a conclusion. Some type of similarities can be seen as acceptable in instances where an author has used some reference for his or her earlier work but this will still register as a suspect when using a plagiarism checker.

2. The cost involved

Remember, the best online plagiarism checkers are normally paid per manuscript and this can be quite expensive. It is not important to run this similarity checker on every document because this can turn out as a misuse of your resources. Alternatively, recognize the trends and identify that manuscript that you suspect and you strongly feel that it requires a checker but don’t do that to all the documents that come your way. This way, you will have saved your time, resources and come up with quality and original contents. True, there are also a lot of websites promoting themselves as free plagiarism checker but use them with caution. They may be limited in some ways such as the number of documents allowed for free online plagiarism checker or their effectiveness.

3. Falsification in documents

This is another important thing to note. A plagiarism checker tool doesn’t check falsified information or even the tampered with images. Instead of running a plagiarism checker in every document and you will not know if the document contains some falsified information, it is advisable to get expert reviewers who can do this and detect any sort of exaggerated information available in a document.

Importance of a plagiarism checker

Plagiarism check is essential when you have produced great content but you are not sure about its originality. Instead of submitting content you doubt its originality, it would be better to analyze it using a plagiarism checker. You can have a well-written and well-constructed document but in some parts, it may lack originality and with that, it will fail to express the author’s thoughts and views.

Remember originality is highly valued and at some point, it is mandatory for all academic and any other documents whatsoever. For that reason, it would be great to ensure your important documents are checked for plagiarism through a reliable plagiarism detection service for you to be 100 percent sure with your content.

Gone are days when checking for plagiarism was a nightmare, now it takes a matter of seconds to know if you need to make any amends with your current document thanks to the advancement in technology. You don’t have to be skeptical about the originality of a document and still submit only for it to bounce back to you. Just do a thorough plagiarism check, make the changes where necessary and submit a perfect job.

Uses of a plagiarism detective tool

Before you start using a plagiarism checker, it is important to know a few of its uses so that you can get the best out of it. It is also good to find out the different plagiarism and copy detective tools that are available out there. Ensure you are using the right tool while checking for plagiarism to get the best out of it.

Below are different uses of plagiarism checker tools:

1. Verifying a document

A plagiarism checker assists you to check and see whether your content or any other document you have been given is original work. The challenge of detecting whether a document is original is an issue a lot of people as teachers, professors, educators, editors among others (for students for example) face in their daily duties. This tool will help you find out if a document is original or there are instances of plagiarism. To get the correct results, the accuracy of the database is very crucial.

2. Tracking content misuse

This is another common scenario on plagiarism. Most content creators would want to know how their piece of information is being used on the web. They can also do this by tracking all the results available using a plagiarism checker. The tool has the ability to return a large number of accurate results without wasting any time at all. It reports every incidence it is able to.

3. In-depth plagiarism analysis

In case you have a rough idea of where plagiarism is likely to be, it isn’t a must you use the internet searching capabilities. To know the extent of the plagiarism in content, you can focus on and compare the available documents in depth with a flexible plagiarism checker for you to sift the works easily and get all the similarities and correct results.

So, how does the online plagiarism checker do its work?

Plagiarism detectors don’t necessarily detect plagiarism but instead, they actually detect any section with a similar or identical text in a document. There are different techniques used to come up with this and the results are just the same. The plagiarism checkers basically detect any matching strings of words between the document it is checking and the ones it is already having in their index.

Examples include WcopyFind, a local plagiarism checker, Copyscape and plagium a search-engine related system and Turnitin plagiarism checker, a high-end system plagiarism checker. Most plagiarism checker softwares are not difficult to handle and they don’t take much of your time. If you have documents that need a plagiarism check be it for class work or even office work, this is how it is done.

a) Upload the file

Log in to an online plagiarism checker site you have already registered and upload your document for the check to take place.

b) Scan the document

The plagiarism checker tool will scan the already uploaded document for any errors and detect any cases of plagiarism or similarity in the document.

c) Comparison

After scanning the document for plagiarism, a comparative analysis of the content is done and the major points are highlighted.

d) Issue a report

The document will be provided with the last report on anything detected in it. The insights offered are enough to know the content quality and what needs to be done. If your document is 100 percent original, then you are good to go.

A good plagiarism checker can help you to produce flawless content as per your needs. If you are struggling with some plagiarized content, there is no harm in getting some help from reliable plagiarism checker tools.

If you are not able to do the plagiarism check yourself maybe because you are not confident enough to perform the task, have other important engagements, have crazy deadlines to meet, have too many documents to check or lack of the necessary skills to do a plagiarism check on your documents, then you can consult an expert to do that on your behalf.

There are many experts who can do a good job of proofreading and plagiarism-checking for all of your documents. This will save you time to do other tasks and relieve you of the stress of performing it on your own because all your plagiarism related issues will be catered for by an expert.

A quick way of checking your document before submitting it

The best way would be avoiding plagiarism in the first place. You can do this by being mindful of the sources you use while researching and writing your content. Ensure while paraphrasing or quoting the sources you do it correctly. Always double-check to ensure you have cited all your sources properly before submitting your documents as you write. If you opt to do a thorough check once you are through with writing, then you can start checking by using a free online plagiarism checker with percentage function. Be aware such online tools offer limited services so if you want to get all the available features from such a tool you should consider subscribing to a reliable site. There isn’t a best free plagiarism checker as they offer limited functionalities but they might be a good starting point for you.

Limitations of a plagiarism detecting tools

Ideally, a plagiarism checker can only detect copying or similar phrases in a particular document. The two areas that you will detect the weakness of a plagiarism checker include:

a) Non-verbatim plagiarism

This means that a plagiarism checker tool will not detect cases of rewriting, translation or redrafting of content. Its weakness is that it cannot tell where you lifted your ideas or analyze the content of your work. This means that it will only detect if you lifted the exact words from a certain source and placed them in your content exactly as they were. This problem should be treated seriously just the verbatim plagiarism but there is no tool to detect that and so many writers and academicians get away with it.

b) Attributed Use

This is yet another limitation of plagiarism checker tools. Plagiarism should be detected even on some common phrases although this isn’t always possible because the English language uses a lot of these common phrases and the furthest a plagiarism checker can go is detecting and reporting matches that are a coincidence. In other words, plagiarism detective tools can make mistakes just like any other machine and they need a human to intelligently use them failure to which they are rendered useless.

The bottom line

Although plagiarism detection tools are essential in getting solutions for originality and quality, without human judgment they cannot deliver a perfect result. However, if used correctly, you can be sure that it will deliver as per your expectation.

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