7 steps to prepare your home for a successful bed bug treatment
Bed bugs are a big menace and also one of the most difficult pest problems to deal with. So if you are not a pest control professional who knows how to find and get rid of bed bugs, you can use the following prep tips to do your part, allowing the pest management company to get rid of the bed bug infestation efficiently and effectively.
1. Kids and Pets
Be prepared to leave your home with your pets and kids for the number of hours recommended by your pest control company. If you have fish tanks, be sure to cover them with plastic wraps and turn off the pumps until you move in again.
2. Laundry
All the clothes that can be laundered, should be should be laundered prior to the treatment. Washing clothes in hot water helps kill bed bugs so once they are washed, dry them at high heat for around 40 minutes while ensuring that the heat does not damage the clothes. Once dried, place all the clothes in sealed plastic covers.
3. Furniture
Vacuum and air dry all the couches, carpeting, headboards, bed frames and chairs thoroughly before the treatment. Empty all the bookshelves, cabinets, nightstands, drawers and dressers so the bed bug exterminators can easily access them.
4. Mattress
Remove all bedding from mattresses along with the bed linens, box springs, drapes, cushions covers, blankets, mattress covers, and other textiles from the bedroom and wash them using hot water. Don’t replace them for at least four hours after the completion of the bed bug treatment.
5. Personal Belongings
Carefully inspect all your belongings that cannot be washed and place them in storage bins or bags. If heat, chemicals or insecticides are going to be used during the bed bug treatment, then stack your child’s belongings in a safe place where they are not exposed to the treatment.
6. Electronic Devices
A cluttered living space is not only difficult to inspect but also hard to treat. So clear the clutter and unplug all electronic devices to bare the hiding places. Inspect and pack all the loose items and steam clean the flooring if possible. Move all the objects away from the walls to create more room for the bed bug treatment.
7. Replacing the Bedding
After the completion of the extermination, seal all your bed linens, mattresses, pillows, box springs and futons using protective encasements to keep them disinfected after the bed bug treatment. Encasement is a good idea for permanent protection from bed bugs but if you want, you can keep it till the bed bugs have been completely eliminated. The use of certified bedbug-free encasement also allows fast and easy pest control in case the infestation recurs.
Finally, be sure to follow the instructions given by bed bug exterminators because the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on your preparation and willingness to cooperate. The entire bed bug control process may be tedious and time-consuming but it is the best thing to do when you encounter the very first signs of an infestation. Allow three weeks’ time for the bed bug treatment to be completely effective and if the problem persists, contact your pest management service immediately.